Of the pieces Joshua Bell played, my favorite was by far the Ysaye sonata for solo violin. The polyphony in that piece was beautiful and amazing. Joshua explained that Ysaye is, in his opinion, one of the world's three best violinists, alongside Paginini and Heifitz. Ysaye wrote six sonatas for solo violin - as did J. S. Bach. Eric gave me written music for the Bach sonatas (and partitas) for Christmas, but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to play even one movement of one of them credibly.
One of the next things on my "list" is to find Eric a quality violin teacher, to complement his piano. Eric's piano playing is quite good -- maybe I can record him sometime soon and add a recording to a future post.
David is standing next to Eric in the picture. They weren't being particularly cooperative about having their picture taken, do you think? I think I really like Greenville -- I'll put it on my list of places to consider for retirement.
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